FCA 101 Training Section 2


(1 of 3) Methods: Engage, Equip, Empower (E3)

As FCA matures, we seek to make disciples through our methods of engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same . 

Engage (1 Thessalonians 2:8)
We engage relationally by connecting with individuals and through events in many different environments by building genuine trust, sharing our lives and sharing the Gospel . We strive to connect with coaches and athletes where they are on their spiritual journey .

Equip (Ephesians 4:12)
After cultivating relationships and once coaches and athletes come to faith in Christ, we want to equip them with Christ-centered training, events, resources and on-going support in what it means to be a follower of Christ, growing in God’s Word and applying it to life .

Empower (2 Timothy 2:2)
Once equipped, we empower faithful leaders who desire to use their time, talents and treasures to help other coaches and athletes experience the Gospel, grow in their faith and share Him with others . We desire to develop disciples who make disciples, assisting them so that they can in turn engage, equip and empower others to know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same.

(2 of 3) FCA Distinctives


FCA is a ministry that’s distinct from other ministries by what we do and how we do it . Our Vision, Mission, Fundamentals, Values and Statement of Faith provide most of this distinction . However, we’ve provided a list below of FCA Ministry Distinctives that are a combination of philosophy and strategies that communicate what we’re about and what we’re working to accomplish.

  1. Christ-Centered... focus of our message
  2. Kingdom-Minded...serving the purpose of the church
  3. Church Bible-Based...source of our authority
  4. Athletically Focused... ministering to coaches and athletes
  5. Spiritually Nurturing...helping people to know and grow in Christ
  6. Fellowship-Oriented...connecting people through the love of Christ
  7. Volunteer-Intensive... mobilizing adults to accomplish the mission
  8. Culturally Adaptive...meeting the diverse needs of people
  9. Faith-Financed...funded through people moved by God to give 

(3 of 3) Ministry Fundamentals

The Ministry Fundamentals are the core competencies of our ministry and the foundation of all we do as a ministry . FCA’s Ministry Fundamentals are Share, Seek, Lead and Love .

Share Him Boldly (Acts 5:42) – FCA shares Jesus with those who do not have a personal relationship with Him . We believe that Salvation is only found in Jesus, and with great passion we desire to share the Gospel with the world . (Present Gospel)

Seek Him Passionately (Acts 17:11) – FCA equips and encourages others to seek Him daily . A life-long pursuit of knowing and loving Jesus takes perseverance and discipline . (Disciple Others)

Lead Others Faithfully (1 Corinthians 14:12) – FCA desires to model Jesus’ example of serving by seeking out the needs of others, developing trusting relationships and caring about the individuals we serve . (Reach Out)

Love Others Unconditionally (1 Peter 4:11) – FCA realizes that the most powerful force in the world is love . We desire to be obedient to the Lord as He said that we would be known by our love . (Fellowship Together) New Paragraph

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