FCA 101 Training Section 4


(1 of 5) Step 1: Pray


  • Pray for God’s will in your Huddle.

  • Pray for receptiveness and interest.

  • Pray for the salvation of others.

  • Pray for the growth and maturity of believers.

  • Pray for God’s continual equipping of those leading.

Helpful Tips

  • Get together the key people involved with leading your huddle ministry before your first meeting for the express purpose of praying for God’s direction, presence, and provision.
  • Keep them updated on needs as well as how God is moving in your Huddle.

(2 of 5) Step 2: Prepare


Develop a Leadership Team with student-athlete leaders based on FCA’s criteria and responsibilities and have them complete an FCA Student Leader Application (www.socofca.org/SLA), contact soco@fca.org for the password.

Decide which model you are going to use for your Leadership Team .


  • Challenge the leadership team with the importance of making a commitment to attend each leadership meeting in order to prepare with excellence, each Huddle Meeting.

  • Remind the leaders of the eternal cause of FCA and to prioritize their time around that cause.

  • Pass around a commitment sheet for them to sign as a visible accountability to the entire group of their commitment.


  • In developing a leadership team, there are two types of models FCA encourages: a “Position-Based” leadership team or a “Task-Based” leadership team.

  • A Position-Based Leadership Team parallels the gifts and talents of a student leader with a specific position in leadership . A student serves in this position for a year.

  • A Task-Based Leadership Team assigns differing tasks to each leader based on their gifts and talents. These assignments are not limited to a specific time; it could be for one week, one month, or one semester.

  • Remember to assign roles based on people’s personalities and gifts . An example would be that a quiet, organized person is better suited for secretary and not necessarily the best fit for opening welcome announcements.

  • Every leader should lead a Workout at some point during the school year to provide spiritual leadership for the Huddle.

  • Special events can be coordinated through your Leadership Team by filling roles to make sure the project(s) gets done . They can also be achieved through a special events project coordinator who plans and coordinates FCA special events during the year. Examples: *Fields of Faith *Service Project *Team Outreach 

Tasks | Position/Responsibility

Facilitate Meeting | Captain

Take Minutes | Secretary

Handle Finances | Treasurer

Communications | Promotions Coordinator– Announcements made through school media & online (Facebook, Twitter, etc .), flyers/posters displayed on campus, locker rooms, etc.

Tasks | Position/Responsibility


A/V Coordinator – Makes sure audio is ready for exciting music before and after huddle meeting. Coordinates equipment to ensure video presentations.


Refreshment Coordinator – Coordinates all refreshments

Make People Feel Welcome

Greeter – Intentionally greets everyone and makes sure visitors are connected with other students.


Gives opening welcome and announcements


Prepares and leads the icebreaker/game/mixer


Either leads or secures leader of devotion/ testimony


Closes the meeting in prayer and final announcements or reminders


  • Target Audience
    There are three types of audiences: Huddle participants and student/adult leaders, the athletic community and the entire team/campus/club/athletic department. The Huddle participants and student/adult leaders regularly attend your Huddle events and meetings. The athletic community is comprised of all teams, coaches and athletes.

  • Purpose
    The four fundamental purposes are: Share, Seek, Lead and Love. Share is evangelism or sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with your campus and community. Seek is discipleship or seeking to grow and mature as a follower of Jesus Christ. Lead is reaching out to others through servant leadership that draws them to faith and growth in Jesus Christ. Love is fellowship or building relationships with others.

Target Audience + Purpose = Ministry Impact

  • Huddle Ministry Model
    It is suggested that within each month you target your Huddle ministry with each of the purposes indicated . We call this the 4X9 Huddle Ministry Model, which is found in the Appendix of this playbook . With four weeks in a month and nine months in a school year, you will have nine meetings focused on Share (Present Gospel), nine meetings focused on Seek (Disciple Others), nine events focused on Lead (Reach Out), and nine events focused on Love (Fellowship Together).


  • Huddle Meeting Structure
  • The Huddle meeting outline consists of four parts: Welcome, Warm-Up, Workout and Wrap-Up.
  • Welcome: greeting and announcements
  • Warm-Up: ice-breakers, games, skits, etc.
  • Workout: Bible studies, devotionals and testimonials (spiritual growth component)
  • Wrap-Up: closing comments

  • You can use the Huddle Meeting Agenda Form found in the Appendix of the Huddle Playbook to help plan each individual Huddle meeting.

  • Take time to familiarize yourself with FCAResources .com in order to
    access great warm-ups (icebreakers, skits, team-builders, etc .) and workouts (devotions, Bible studies, videos, etc.) 

  • Huddle Meeting Agenda 

(3 of 5) Step 3: Plan


  • Secure day, time and location for Huddle meetings.

  • Develop a ministry plan for the semester using the Huddle Ministry Model (4X9) form to help give you a ministry “road map” for the semester.

  • Organize your meeting each week by using the Huddle Meeting Agenda Form.

  • Task assignments based on gifts and talents of student leaders.

  • Plan an initial FCA interest meeting. Invite all students, parents, coaches and faculty. Show the FCA presentation video (https://vimeo.com/302083478).

  • Challenge everyone to join you.

(4 of 5) Step 4: Promote


  • You can use multiple resources to get the word out about your Huddle.

  • Create flyers, posters, announcements, etc . to promote upcoming Huddle meetings, activities, and events.


  • Distribute promotional materials.

  • Use various media to invite people: text, Facebook, Twitter, email, phone, etc. 

Helpful Tips

  • Assign someone to promote your Campus Huddle ministry using every method available . If you aren’t intentional about getting the word out, your great planning and preparation will have a limited audience.


  • Break up your leadership team into “text teams” and assign each leader a certain number of students to invite through text message on the night before and/or the day of your Huddle meeting.

  • GotoFCAResources.com to download related resources: Bible studies • Devotionals • FCA Logos • FCA Photos 

(5 of 5) Step 5: Products


FCAHuddleTools.com is a great resource that connects all Huddle Resources together! Check it out:

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